Sacred Woman
Despertando a la Mujer Sagrada
The Sacred Woman School

A journey to integrate the feminine lineage within to access wisdom and natural healing of the essential womb. A journey of Healing with our mothers, integration with the big mama and awakening of our own inner wise woman.
The Path of the Joyful Woman Retreat
A journey to awaken the natural state of joy and extasy within. A journey to align our sacred sexual energy with its most pure state and freedom.
The Path of the Radiant Woman Retreat
A journey to integrate our masculine lineage to remember our power of manisfestation. A journey of healing with our fathers, integration with the big papa and awakening of our own inner wise man.
The Path of the Wild Woman Retreat
A journey to reconnect with nature and to free our innermost aliveness! A journey to remember our power through direct contact with the four elements.
NOTE: Each retreat is a three day experience, usually starting friday evening and ending sunday afternoon.
Sacred Womb, Sacred Woman Retreat
A one week journey specialized in the healing of the womb in every dimension. Every participant will learn about conscious eating(the kitchen becomes a laboratory of health), herbal mixes, conscious menses, sacred sexuality, enlightended motherhood, natural birth control, sacred graduation(menopause), sacred power portal(pms) and sacred womanhood.
This retreat is design for all women longing to live life fully and joyfully and also for those looking to start the journey of healing to any kind of physical or emotional illness related to the womb such as pms, early graduation, cysts, tumors, crambs, cystitis, frigidity and so on.
An enlightened womb is the essential foundation for an enlightened civilization!
Retiro Intensivo · Intensive Retreat

Retiro Vivencial · Experiential Retreat
Un viaje vivencial al centro de nuestro femenino interno para despertar nuestra sabiduría ancestral y utilizarla en nuestra vida cotidiana. Aprenderemos a navegar las distintas fases de nuestro ciclo femenino y como se manifiesta en nuestra salud física, emocional y mental.
Descubriremos vías para transmutar, liberar y expandir nuestros patrones condicionados y de esta manera acceder a relaciones sanas y a un estado de mayor paz, gozo y totalidad. Realizaremos este viaje a través de dinámicas y rituales ancestrales, meditaciones, círculos terapéuticos, danzas chamánicas y clases temáticas.
Arquetipos de los ciclos lunares · Moon cycle arquetypes
Menstruación Espiritual · Spiritual Menses
Sexualidad Sagrada · Sacred Sexuality
Belleza Natural · Natural Beauty
Relaciones Sanas · Healthy Relationships
La Diosa Interior · Inner Goddess
Maternidad Conciente · Conscious Motherhood
Fertilidad · Fertility
Creatividad · Creativity
Próximos Retiros · Next Retreats
Chile, February
Sweden, May
Moon Dance - Danza de la Luna

If your are a man....You will open a door into joy,comprehension of your own emotional cycles and connection with your own feminine essence. You will also enter into a deep understanding of a woman's inner movement and how to support them in most harmonious way.
For both men and women..... We will learn about embracing each other other in every kind of relationship, the art of honoring each other and healing together.Perhaps we will be inspired to go beyond self satisfaction into the art giving and nourishing everything around us with live, presence and compassion.
The introductory seminar includes The Sacred Circle Meditation!!
-Un viaje a descubrir e indagar en el ritmo interno femenino.
-Un viaje a descubrir e indagar en el ritmo interno femenino.
-Los ciclos menstruales, fertilidad, su significado y sus etapas.
-Sexualidad sagrada y la paternidad/maternidad conciente.
-Conexión entre el mundo emocional y el mundo terrenal, entre las fases lunares y los ciclos internos y entre las fases luminosas y las oscuras.
-Meditación del Circulo Sagrado
Si eres mujer...
Aprenderás a reconocer las fases de tu ciclo personal y las herramientas básicas para navegar tus propias aguas, liberando el sentir, expandiendo el entendimiento y develando algunos misterios del cuerpo y el alma.
Si eres hombre...
Entrarás en una profunda comprensión de los movimientos internos de la mujer y como acompañarlos de la manera mas armoniosa. Además te conectaras con tu propia esencia femenina.
Si eres mujer...
Aprenderás a reconocer las fases de tu ciclo personal y las herramientas básicas para navegar tus propias aguas, liberando el sentir, expandiendo el entendimiento y develando algunos misterios del cuerpo y el alma.
Si eres hombre...
Entrarás en una profunda comprensión de los movimientos internos de la mujer y como acompañarlos de la manera mas armoniosa. Además te conectaras con tu propia esencia femenina.
Sacred Womb, Sacred Woman

A one week journey specialized in the healing of the womb in every dimension. Every participant will learn about conscious eating(the kitchen becomes a laboratory of health), herbal mixes, conscious menses, sacred sexuality, enlightended motherhood, natural birth control, sacred graduation(menopause), sacred power portal(pms) and sacred womanhood.
This retreat is design for all women longing to live life fully and joyfully and also for those looking to start the journey of healing to any kind of physical or emotional illness related to the womb such as pms, early graduation, cysts, tumors, crambs, cystitis, frigidity and so on.
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